Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Flesh eating super bug kills father in just 4 hours as coroner warns of new horror!

President accused of making Depression era mistakes

Well I was always taught that I should learn from past mistakes, why can't the President use past mistakes of the country as a guide? Story

The prognosis is catastrophic if projected government policies are not cut back. Story

Monday, September 7, 2009

Michal Moore says capitalism is evil


With 7 million Americans going to the movies each week, doesn't that make Moore a bit of a capitalist?

Moore criticises big businesses for buying up foreclosures and making a profit. I wonder if he says anything about Barney Frank and the Freddie Mac and Fannie's Mae connection.

The Chinese are disturbed because the U.S. keeps printing money

I guess China has a lot of money invested in the U.S. and they are worried about how the U.S.government is handling things, no kidding, join the club!